Schedule name in scans overview

  • Complete

Peter Bin

Show the name of the related schedule in the scans overview.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Peter Bin

Upgrade your scanner to 1.15.0 (Vulnerability Management >> Overview >> Scanners >> Manage >> Firmware) or wait for the update to be applied automatically in the following days.
After your scanner has firmware version 1.15.0, new scans will show up with the name of their schedule.


Peter Bin

The development of this feature has finished. It will be included in the next firmware update for Vulnerability Scanners. New scans using this firmware update will show the name of the schedule in the scans overview. Old scans may show "Unknown" as name.
The status of this feedback will be set to completed once the firmware update is available. We expect this to become available in the following week.


Peter Bin


Peter Bin