I want to filter DNS queries based on filter names like "Gambling" or "Ransomware." This makes it easier for me to filter queries.
19-05-2023 -
Newest / Oldest
Peter Bin
Jan Staal: Thank you for confirming! Yes, you user-friendlycan use the "Clear" button on the right side of your screen. Do you think it's more user friendly to add a clear option to the dropdown?
Jan Staal: Thank you for reporting this to us. We've implemented a fix. Could you refresh your browser and try again? Please let us know if this issue still exists or got resolved.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Peter Bin
Jan Staal: Thank you for confirming! Yes, you user-friendlycan use the "Clear" button on the right side of your screen. Do you think it's more user friendly to add a clear option to the dropdown?
Peter Bin: It works, but you cannot deselect the filter. Only a clear all. is this by design?
Peter Bin
Jan Staal: Thank you for reporting this to us. We've implemented a fix. Could you refresh your browser and try again? Please let us know if this issue still exists or got resolved.
The filter list stays empty even if data is available to filter on.
Peter Bin
We've released this feature. You're now able to filter queries based on the available filters lists/categories and more.